Q&A Regarding Nebraska Farm Bureau Health Plan

What are the NEFB Health Plans?

They are high-quality, dependable, and affordable health coverage plans for individuals and families, featuring a nationwide provider network and various levels of deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pocket maximums. Because they are not insurance, they are medically underwritten and individually rated, allowing them to be offered at significant savings when compared to ACA marketplace plans. They do not meet the minimum requirements of the ACA; therefore, this coverage will not avoid the ACA penalties if those penalties are reinstated. (Currently, there is no penalty for not having coverage through the ACA.).

When will enrollment open and when will the NEFB Health Plans be effective?

Sales and enrollment will begin on Oct. 1, 2024, with the first available effective coverage date of Jan. 1, 2025. Farm Bureau members can apply for the NEFB Health Plans anytime of the year, and there is no re-enrollment period like other programs. No annual renewal is required.

Do I have to be an NEFB member to apply and enroll in NEFB Health Plans?

Yes. A Nebraska Farm Bureau membership is required to apply for your health plan. If approved for the health coverage, you must maintain your NEFB membership in order to keep your NEFB Health Plan active.

Do I have to be in agriculture to enroll in NEFB Health Plans?

No. Anyone can apply for these plans. Individuals who are self-employed or own a small business could benefit from these plans. In addition, members who may be uninsured because they do not qualify for ACA subsidies should consider these plans. Even those with employer coverage for themselves should compare the cost of covering their dependents on these plans vs. their employer health plan.

Who do I contact to apply and enroll in NEFB Health Plans?

Farm Bureau Financial Services agents in Nebraska will be exclusively allowed to sell these plans to NEFB members. Click here to find an agent. Applicants can also visit www.nefbhp.com or call toll-free (866) 544-2232 to apply on October 1, 2024, when sales and enrollment begin.

Do I need to be a resident of Nebraska to enroll in NEFB Health Plans?

Yes. Your place of residence needs to be in the state of Nebraska. However, if you move out of Nebraska after you have enrolled in a plan, you can maintain your coverage, as long as you maintain your NEFB membership and pay your monthly premiums.

What is the process of enrollment?

NEFB members applying for NEFB Health Plans will be asked to complete an online application, which includes medical history questions. Underwriters will review, request medical records if needed, follow up with any questions, and process a decision based on the medical history. If approved, the applicant will receive an offer of coverage along with a mailed invoice for the first month's premium. Payment of that initial invoice serves as the acceptance of coverage. Subsequent monthly premiums can be paid via bank draft, or recurring credit card charge.

How will pre-existing conditions be handled?

Each applicant will be individually rated based on their medical history, and if approved for coverage, pre-existing condition waiting periods of 6 or 12 months (depending on the specific plan) will apply. Benefit exclusion riders can also be attached to the High Deductible Health Plan and Major Medical Health Plan options.

Who is the provider network for NEFB Health Plans?

Our network of providers is UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus, a nationwide network which offers services across the state. NEFB Health Plans is administered by our third-party administrator (Farm Bureau Health Plans of Tennessee). Depending on the plan, coverage can include office visits, hospitalization, preventative care services, emergency room services, maternity care, prescription drug benefits, and mental health and substance abuse treatment. Some of these plans also include limited embedded dental and vision coverage administered through United. In addition, we have a stand-alone, bundled DentalVision plan available. The dental network for this bundled plan is the Delta Dental PPO+Premier network, and the vision network is the VSP Choice network.

Will NEFB Health Plans cancel your plan if you get sick, or acquire a negative health condition?

No. Once you are approved for an NEFB Health Plan, you cannot be cancelled unless you do not pay your monthly premiums or do not maintain your NEFB membership. Age band increases will occur, based on the oldest person on your plan. General rate increases will occur as well, based on the entire NEFB Health Plans pool of members.

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